C’è stata una violenta esplosione a Baltimora, nel Maryland, che ha causato il crollo di diversi edifici: per ora si registra un morto e diversi feriti e si teme che sotto le macerie siano rimasti intrappolati anche dei bambini. Le immagini diffuse dai vigili del fuoco mostrano detriti sparsi per decine di metri. A provocare l’esplosione una fuga di gas
Out-of-town friends, family, & musicians…thanks for checking in. We’re fine. This explosion was in the NW portion of Baltimore City. We’re in the county along the NE corner of the beltway (Parkville/Carney). Three homes were destroyed by the blast. Awful!#BaltimoreExplosion pic.twitter.com/tMOZVxRps9
— Chris Montcalmo Music (@ChrisMonty) August 10, 2020
There are dozens of personnel from multiple jurisdictions who remain actively engaged in rescue operations. There is at least 1 person still trapped.
Our President, Rich Langford, and Secretary-Treasurer Shawn Little, remain on scene supporting our members. pic.twitter.com/1NmzCVnKew
— Baltimore Firefighters IAFF Local 734 (@BCFDL734) August 10, 2020